Termite Barriers and Correct termite barrier installation What is a Termite Chemical barrier? A chemically treated zone that surrounds the perimeter of a building or structure to keep Termites away is known as a Termite barrier or a termite management system. This treated zone is positioned strategically beneath the ground in order to obstruct the […]
Termite Protection For Your Home
Termite Protection How To choose the right White ant Protection for your home. Or termite management system (termite barrier ).In the first place we must do a termite inspection. In fact you must get a termite inspection before any treatment. It is our legal requirement before we do anything else. In addition to the inspection we […]
Termidor H E Termite Barrier the Best Protection
Termidor H E Termite Barrier Protection (White ant protection) today White ant protection Need to renew or install your white ant Barrier. At Certified home inspections. ( and certified Home Services). We Only use the best white ant protection in the market today. So Don’t settle for second best make sure you get the most […]
Renew your Expired Termite Barrier System
Expired Termite Barrier ? Just like you would expect an expired Barrier is no longer protecting your home from foraging White ants. So you need to bring Your white ant Barrier Back To Life And Protect Your Home From These most Destructive Pests. Why Renew your Expired barrier Living in South East Queensland we need […]
Termite Nest In BackYard Was Thought To Be Inactive For Years
The Termite nest was in the backyard for years. The customer got poor advice from a family friend. The friend told him that the mound was not active. In fact A sticky note with “Termites nest in backyard” was left on the kitchen bench recalls Tony – one of our Senior Termite Inspection Brisbane Inspectors. […]
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like? See them Here
You can see the bites on your skin butwhat do bed bugs look like? what do they look like Snacking on you while you sleep at night. The bugs are easily hidden in the confines of your bedding, carpet and furniture. So what do they look like?and yes you can see them! Normally misdiagnosed as […]
What Attracts Termites To My House – Tree Stumps
Help minimize your Termite Risk Factor What attracts Termites to my house Have you Ever wondered “What does attract Termites to my house?” To minimize your Termite Risk Factor you want to remove all the conducive environments from your home. Tree Stumps and Crowns left to rot away in the ground is a massive white […]
Pest Inspection or Termite Inspection
Pest Inspection or Termite Inspection? What’s the difference? Whether you are buying a new property or are an existing owner you would have heard the terms Pest Inspections or Termite Inspections thrown around. Both are extremely important but what is the difference between the two? So we will go through the major differences. firstly the Pest Inspections […]