Thorough Termite Inspections with the Termatrac T3i and Thermal Camera in 2022 (Updated)
During Termite Inspections using the latest termite detection tools , the Termatrac T3i and Thermal Camera gives a better understanding to what is happening inside those walls. Gone are the days of only tapping and gouging timber and using the old resistant type moisture meters. With todays technology inspectors have a far better chance of detecting termites.
The Termatrac T3i used in Termite Inspections.

There are many species of termites in Australia, only a handful can damage sound timber. The majority of losses to timber structures is caused by our subterranean species. Termite infestations cause over a billion of dollars of damage to Australian buildings each year. If you didn’t already know. You cannot get insurance for termites damaging your home.
Thermal Camera
Termites like moist, dark, areas. So they are in the areas of the structure that are not easily seen. For that reason, there needs to be other techniques of detection which includes tapping and banging of wood components while listening for a characteristic sound, a sign of a hollow space. Sometimes you can hear them, they will make a clicking sound.

When looking for signs if there is a white ant infestation in the structure, it can be a bit difficult. There is only approximately only one third of Visible wood in a structure. When we find a suspected location, the inspector must get permission from the home owner and then uses a tool to gouge, such as a screwdriver, to break the wood surface and locate termite workings and live termites.

Termite Inspection.
This approach has considerable drawbacks. The verification of an active infestation requires some localized damage to the wood. When termites are exposed in this manner, it will make them to move away from the disturbed area and will reduce the efficiency of a subsequent localised White ant treatment. For rather some time now, inspectors have been looking for a less intrusive way to locate termites in a structure which is why it only makes good sense to utilize the termatrac and thermal imaging cameras in termite inspections.
White ant Inspection.
When Conducting Thorough termite inspections using a Thermal camera it can identify areas of heat to determine the existence of termite nests making termite identification simpler and more reliable. The Termatrac utilises Radar for movement, thermal for temperature and a moisture meter. Given that termites are living, breathing creatures, they do emit a quantity of heat within their bodies. You will never have simply one termite in one area. You will have hundreds and possibly thousands. So the heat they create as a group can be visible with an infrared camera. Once the area of concern has been established. Furthermore The inspector will the use the termatrac to determine if there is any movement. We can tell if the movement is white ants as they have their own signature.

The Termatrac and Infrared cameras and termite identification have taken the pest control field to new heights. It has actually opened all sorts of new doors in the field of termite inspections. All our teams carry a thermal imaging camera as standard which is used on ALL Thorough Termite Inspections and Pre Purchase Building and Pest Inspections. There is no additional charge for the thermal camera. So with all this new tech available to inspectors today we are more likely to find infestations. Having said that you still need experience and knowledge to make the most out of this new technology.
With our Inspection team using this technology on all inspections. We can offer one of the most thorough termite inspections on the market.
So Call Certified Home Inspections to get a quote and book in a time.
Phone: 0732008586
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